Term 2 - 17 January 2025
Matters of Principal
Whole School
We are delighted to be featured in the International section of 'Great British Education' magazine in the UK. A full write up of our School can be found on page 35, click here to read the full article.
The School shop is delighted to announce that Parent Lightning Supporter T-shirts are now available in various sizes for 300 THB. Please pop in and get yourself a shirt if you want to support our talented sports teams.
We would like to remind our families that the School is a nut-free zone. We kindly ask that you do not bring or consume nuts of any kind on the School grounds, particularly cashew nuts, due to a community member with life-threatening allergies. We believe that by working together, we can create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
We are grateful for the wonderful community we have built here and are always happy to hear of the fantastic experiences our families have at the School. If you have a positive experience that you would like to share, we invite you to do so in the form of a Google review, which you can complete by scanning the QR on the poster below.
To enhance campus safety, all adults on campus are required to wear an ID badge with a designated coloured lanyard. Parents can obtain a lanyard at the main Reception area. If you have a red visitor's lanyard, please return it to Reception or security personnel as soon as possible and do not take it home with you. If your lanyard cannot access the security gate, please visit Reception to have your lanyard updated.
This measure helps our staff quickly identify authorised individuals on campus and ensure the safety of all our students. Our staff and security have been instructed to ask for identification when encountering a person without a lanyard and ID badge. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our School a safe and secure environment.
Dates for your Diary
The next RSTPA Cooking Class will take place on Monday, 3rd February from 08:15-10:30, bringing you tastes from Japan.
There will be a small fee of 300 THB per session to cover the costs of ingredients and you will need to bring some empty containers to take your food away. We have a maximum of 24 places, so if you are interested please reserve your place by contacting: irbis2002@bk.ru / Line: Helen Cool / 0907694661.
Highlight of the Week
The first cooking class of 2025 saw our parents discovering tastes of China in an immersive and thoroughly enjoyable lesson. Menu highlights included Dumplings, Ma Po Tofu, Pearl Meatballs and a very special noodle-making show from the popular restaurant Hai Di Lao. Mr Grindlay even stopped by to sample the Chinese dishes and commented on how delicious the food was - bravo to all.
For those students considering a career in Medicine, we are pleased to offer a free subscription to The Medic Portal's MedSoc - a platform of online modules designed specifically to support students with their medical applications. Developed by doctors, these modules cover a range of essential topics. Here are some highlights of what you can expect from the subscription:
- Problem-Based Learning: Enhance your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
- Ethics: Explore the ethical considerations and dilemmas faced in the field of medicine.
- Personal Statements: Craft a compelling personal statement that highlights your strengths and motivations.
- Choosing a Med School: Navigate the process of selecting the right medical school for you.
These comprehensive resources complement the support and guidance we provide our future medics. With our 100% application success rate, you can trust that you're in good hands. Whether it's assistance with applications, internships or developing winning portfolios, we're here to help you every step of the way.
The access code for 2025 has been updated so if you would like free access to The Medic Portal's MedSoc resources, simply add the MedSoc subscription to your cart using this link and insert the coupon code: RUGBYTHMEDSOC25
Learn more about our Medical successes through our blog here.
Singapore Management University is hosting an 'International Students Virtual Day' on Saturday, 18th January at 3pm. Click here to join. Meeting ID: 926 6768 4514, Passcode: 773639
Our Higher Education team has compiled a list of the most relevant university events this month, including open days and webinars, which you can view here.
Our next pathways lecture is being delivered by the Swiss Education Group and will be aimed at our A Level Business students only. Please see the below poster for more information.
The Australia and UK University Fair will take place on Saturday, 18th January in Bangkok. Please see the below poster for more information.
Dates for your Diary
School closed for Exeat
Educational Visit - Silver DoE Qualifier
Parent Teacher Meeting - D Block
This week, our LXX (Year 12) students had the privilege of meeting with representatives from the University of St Andrews and the University of Edinburgh. They explored Scotland’s distinctive Higher Education system and gained insights into two of its leading institutions.
The session provided invaluable guidance on crafting personal statements, including tips on writing a compelling statement - directly from admissions experts who evaluate university applications. Students learned how to use the new UCAS personal statement format to effectively showcase their passion for their chosen subject, highlight their achievements and align their ambitions with their preferred universities.
Our aim is to equip our students to stand out in a highly competitive global landscape. Most students will be required to write some form of personal statement or essay during their application process and we ensure they are well prepared wherever they choose to apply. Through bespoke workshops, Higher Education lessons, individual meetings and tailored guidance, we empower students to excel and craft applications that stand out, meeting the expectations of universities around the world.
Keep an eye out for our upcoming blog on how to write a successful personal statement.
Our F Block (Year 9) students are currently deciding which IGCSE options they are going to choose. IGCSEs (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), are studied in E Block (Year 10) and D Block (Year 11). To help our students in this important step in their RST journey, we recently held an event for parents to hear presentations from Senior Head Mr Groves, Academic Deputy Head Dr Grindlay, Head of Higher Education and Careers Ms Cecil and Head of F Block, Mrs Salter.
The presentations gave important information about what an IGCSE is, how it is graded and the choices students need to make. All students will study the core subjects Maths, English and Science, as well as choosing another four options from a range of subjects. After the presentations, parents and students gathered for an exhibition of subjects where the Heads of Department explained more about what students will study in E and D Block.
The event showed just how much support there is from teachers, Heads of Department and tutors. For those who were unable to attend, a copy of the presentation can be found here.
This week, our Eco Garden activity group of 14 enthusiastic students had the pleasure of working alongside the Prep students to harvest fresh mint from our garden. This collaboration provided a wonderful opportunity for our older students to develop their leadership skills while building connections with the younger students.
The Eco Garden activity is not only a chance to engage with the process of gardening, from planting seeds to harvesting produce, but also a mindful experience that promotes relaxation and appreciation for nature. It helps students develop a hobby and skill they can enjoy and benefit from throughout their lives. We are looking forward to continuing our work in the Eco Garden and to more collaborative projects with the Prep students in the term ahead.
Year 3 parents are invited to join us in the Veraphan Theatre for a Learning Showcase on Tuesday, 4th February from 3-4pm - find out about what we have been learning and how we have learnt it.
Year 4 parents are invited to join the Humanities Learning Showcase on Tuesday, 4th February. Please see the below poster for more information.
Registration is now open for the next Prep Music Recital which will be held on Wednesday, 19th February.
Use this link to register a child who learns an instrument outside of School and has a piece ready to perform. Please note that you will need to upload a video of them performing the piece when submitting the registration.
The closing date for registration is Friday, 31st January and you will be contacted by the Music Department by Friday, 7th February with the time for your child's performance.
If your child learns an instrument at School, and has a piece ready to perform, their instrumental teacher will register them for you. You will be informed of their registration by Friday, 7th February.
Registration for the RST Factor remains open until Friday, 7th February. Please see the below poster for details on how to enter.
Dates for your Diary
Please check on SOCS for the Saturday Sport and Enrichment Programme
U13 FOBISA Volleyball Tournament (home)
U11 Basketball v ICS (away)
U9 Boys Football v Local Academies (home)
U9 Girls Football v MIS (away)
U11 Basketball v GIS (home)
U13 ISGT Harrow
U13 Football v REPS (away)
Year 8 Thai Trip to Ayutthaya
Year 3 Thai Trip to Takian Tia Community
08:10-09:10: RSTPA Book Club
U13 Football v RISP (away)
Bulldog Cup
U11 BISA Basketball Tournament at SHR
School closed for Exeat
'High School Musical' the next Key Stage 3 Production is coming to Rugby School Thailand. The full size professional show will be unveiled to audiences in June and we are looking for aspiring actors, singers, dancers and musicians to join the Wild Cats.
High School Musical follows sporty Basketball Captain, Troy as he meets nerdy beauty transfer student Gabriella at a Holiday Karaoke Party, only to face the trials and tribulations of American High School in auditions for a musical while overcoming obstacles from Basketball and Academics. The show is full of positive messages about being yourself and features hit songs such as 'All In This Together', 'Breaking Free' and 'What I've Been Looking For'.
This performance is open to students in Year 7, Year 8 and F Block, with rehearsals planned in Phase 3 Activities. The cast will be selected by audition only so any interested students should join the Google Classroom and complete the audition form here. Please feel free to contact Mr Furness with any questions.
Auditions will be starting next week.
Welcome to the first newspaper of 2025. This week, we touch on topics such as New Year Resolutions, hot sports topics and upcoming movies as well as what's happening in the world of science. A big thank you to all of our reporters.
Click here to read the latest edition.
We are excited to announce the Pre-Prep Science Fair which will take place on Thursday, 13th March and is open to children from Reception to Year 2. This is a fantastic opportunity for our young learners to showcase their creativity and problem-solving skills. Students can work individually or in pairs to develop a project that addresses one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Projects will be judged on originality, effort, sustainability and presentation.
Information on how to submit project proposals will be sent out this week so please check your emails.
Winners of the Science Fair will have the incredible opportunity to represent our School at the National Science Fair in Bangkok!
Get ready for a fun, hands-on learning experience and remember—safety is key.
Last week Miss Kathy and Miss Sarah led an assembly on road safety for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The children watched what happened to Eggbert the Egg, when his car crashed and he wasn't wearing his seatbelt (this was a real egg on the back of a toy car going down a ramp). Sadly, Eggbert had an accident which meant he hurt his head and he smashed.
Along came Eggwina, his friend, who rode the car with her seatbelt on. She zoomed down the ramp and when she crashed, she was safe because she was wearing her seatbelt. We reminded the children about the importance of wearing seatbelts and even being in an age-appropriate child seat.
Since September 2022, all car passengers are required to wear seatbelts or face a fine of 2,000 THB. This is in line with the 13th amendment to Article 123 of the 1979 Land Traffic Act and applies to vehicles with no more than seven seats and also covers backseat passengers on four-door pick-up trucks. There is also a requirement to place children under 135cm in a car seat.
We are encouraging the children to remind their families about seatbelts and for them to remember to wear their seatbelts when in cars. This week several children have asked how Eggbert is after his accident and we have discussed the importance of being safe.
We are asking for parents to send in photographs of their children being safe at home - examples include wearing seatbelts in cars or wearing a helmet when riding a bike. Please send any photographs to Miss Kathy or Miss Sarah for our board.
Please ensure your child is wearing their PE kit, running shoes, hat and sunscreen. Children should also have their water bottle and a bundle of energy!
Please refer to the letter that was sent out via email yesterday.
If you forget your parent lanyard you will need to come to the Pre-Prep office to get a red visitor badge. You will need to leave a form of ID with one of the office team - if you do not have ID then we will not allow you access to the School. This is for security reasons in order to keep all children safe. If you have lost your School parent ID please visit the Admin building to obtain a new one.
For Sports Day you will need your parent ID to be able to join the event. We will not issue visitor badges.
Dates for Your Diary
Pre-Nursery and Nursery Sports Day 8:30-10:30am
Reception and Year 1 Sports Day 8:30-10:30am
Year 2 Sports Day 8:30-10:30am
School closed for Exeat
Visiting author - Laura Wall
Lunar New Year event- Parents invited 8:30-9:30am
Year 1 bikes or scooters to School- helmets MUST be worn
Big Talk - Dental Hygiene - all parents invited. Two parents who are dentists will present on oral hygiene
8:30-9:00am in the Assembly Hall
Parent Teacher Meetings 2pm-5pm (information coming soon)
Children's Day was celebrated last Friday and the children from Hand to Hand were invited by the MAD Juniors to come and join us for the morning. The children from Hand to Hand participated in our classes, played with new friends and attended a PE class with Mr Dehann, which they thoroughly enjoyed. The MAD Juniors also organised their own games and activities for them in the Assembly Hall and after, Year 1 joined for a picnic lunch in the oval.
It was a wonderful day filled with new experiences, kindness and smiles. The MAD Juniors held a bake sale at the end of the day to raise funds for the Hand to Hand home, which is in urgent need of a new roof - we raised a grand total of 12,525 THB. Thank you to everyone who purchased cakes and donated baked items on the day.
As a follow up from our recent parent workshop about online safety, Sethi De Clercq, our Head of Key Stage 1 and Computing Lead Teacher, has written a new blog titled 'Navigating the Digital World: Protecting Our Children's Online Presence'. The blog highlights key points from the workshop and features tips on how to keep your children safe online.
Boarding Life
The beautiful weather recently has been ideal for getting out and active. Last weekend, some of the full boarders enjoyed a refreshing morning session of cable wakeboarding, as well as a walk around the trails at golden hour. This weekend, they'll be burning off energy at Jump X.
As many of you will know, Khun Air is the new matron in Marshall House and has settled into her role brilliantly. She was previously the Day Matron in Rupert Brooke and has worked at lots of our holiday camps, so knows the boarding houses, staff and students well. We're delighted to have her as part of the Marshall team.
The Rupert Brooke staff and boarders were very sad to see Khun Air go, but luckily the house has a fantastic new Day Matron. Welcome to Mrs Forshaw, who knows RST well and is already doing an excellent job of keeping our girls boarding house running smoothly each day.
Sport and Enrichment
The sports teams were straight back to action this weekend and the cooler weather made being out on the fields that bit more enjoyable.
Saturday morning started with the Rugby boys on Field Three. A 17-strong squad showed how much game time is benefitting them as they ran out 58:15 winners - it was great to see so many boys out and playing.
Also at RST were the Varsity Boys and Girls Basketball in their final home tournament of the season. Both came away with two wins and narrow losses to some heavy hitting schools from Bangkok.
Our U13 and U15 Volleyball teams warmed up for this weekend's FOBISIA tournament with a solid set of matches at MIS. Three wins from four matches and plenty of learning as we head towards end of season tournaments.
Further afield, we had massive success at St Andrews Green Valley as our U9 and U11 football teams got back into the swing of things. All four teams played lots of matches and we came away as champions in two categories.
Last but not least, our fast growing Tennis team had a busy day of matches in Bangkok. Our players are growing into the Tennis calendar and improving their UTR rankings with matches against the best players in Bangkok. Special congratulations goes to Daniel who won all of his matches without conceding a game and a special mention also to Liphao who finished her matches at 9pm.
What a fabulous return to School and thank you to all the staff who made this possible - we continue to push hard to get as many sporting opportunities for the students as possible.
Monday, 13th January:
U11 basketball v Regents at RST
Golf at Vintage Golf Club
Wednesday, 15th January:
U18 boys basketball v REPs and MIS at RST
Fri, 17th January:
U13 and U15 Fobisia Volleyball at RST
Saturday, 18th January:
U13 and U15 Fobisia Volleyball at RST
U9 boys and girls mini football tournament at RST
U14 boys and girls softball at BPS
Community Events
After the huge success of our Christmas Camp, we are thrilled to share that our incredible Spring Camp is back. Taking place from the 6th - 11th April 2025, our popular camp is now open for registration with a special 10% early bird discount as well as an extra 10% RST discount if you register before Sunday, 16th February. For more information and to register, please see the below poster. Our new camp website is also live so click here to learn more.
Social Media and More
Keep up to date with all that's happening at RST via our social media channels and our website blog section.